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Power the South Bay Project Application Notice
LS Power Grid California submitted the Power the South Bay Project Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity application to the California Public Utilities Commission Energy Division on May 17, 2024.
Power the South Bay Project Application Notice:
Power Santa Clara Valley Project Application Notice
LS Power Grid California submitted the Power Santa Clara Valley Project Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity application to the California Public Utilities Commission Energy Division on April 29, 2024.
Power Santa Clara Valley Project Application Notice:
The Public Process
The California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) review of applications for electric transmission projects includes two main areas: environmental review and review of project need and costs. The environmental review process is led by CPUC staff and invites broad public participation through one or more scoping meetings and written comment periods. The review of project need and costs is led by an Administrative Law Judge. Participation in the review of the project need and costs is limited to those who have joined the proceeding as official parties. These two processes meet at the end of the environmental review when the CPUC staff submits its final environmental report into the formal proceeding.
Environmental Review
As part of each Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) application, LS Power Grid California has prepared a Proponent’s Environmental Assessment, which is a detailed evaluation of potential environmental impacts created by the construction and operation of each project. Through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, the CPUC’s Energy Division will complete an independent review of each project’s environmental impacts and issue a draft report on each project available to the public for comment before finalizing. LS Power Grid California anticipates each project’s process will take approximately 14 months, which started in Spring 2024. Only after environmental impacts are independently reviewed through the public process, impacts are determined to be avoided or minimized and appropriately mitigated, and a CPCN is issued for a project would LS Power Grid California be permitted to start its estimated two-year construction phase. For more information on the CEQA Status for each project, please visit the CPUC’s website for the Power the South Bay Project here and Power Santa Clara Valley here.
How to Participate
The public may participate in the environmental review through the CPCN process. For information about the environmental review, contact the CPUC’s Energy Division by email at enviroteam@cpuc.ca.gov or call (415) 703-2126. Members of the public may provide public comments directly on each project’s Docket Card: apps.cpuc.ca.gov/c/A2404017 for the Power Santa Clara Valley Project or apps.cpuc.ca.gov/c/A2405014 for the Power the South Bay Project. If you have questions about how to comment, you may contact the Public Advisor by email at public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov, or call 1-866-849-8390 (toll-free) or (415) 703-2074. Please use Power Santa Clara Valley’s CPCN proceeding number A.24-04-017 or Power the South Bay’s CPCN proceeding number A.24-05-014 in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter.
Additionally, please contact LS Power Grid California directly here with questions or comments about our Power the Bay projects or to join our newsletter mailing list to keep up with the latest updates.